Tag Archives: hydropower


High quality turbine-generator units suited to medium and high head locations up to 20 kW have until recently  been difficult to source.

After lengthy development, a new turbine system has been engineered to fill this gap. Key features of the Hydromatch HF200 are as follows:

  • Turbine optimisation for excellent peak and part flow performance
  • Head range:   20 m – 100 m
  • Flow range:   to 40 litres per second
  • Power:             to 20 kW
  • High quality stainless steel turbine runner and casing
  • Stainless steel spear valves or fixed nozzles
  • Automatic operation
  • Grid connection or Off-grid controls
  • Online monitoring



The turbine has been designed by Hydromatch Consulting and manufactured in England to the highest standard in collaboration with CKT Engineering Ltd.

Energy monitoring

Bespoke monitoring systems for micro-generation systems.
Features include

  • Remote monitoring of any renewable energy installation
  • Monitor power, energy generation and temperature
  • Compare to energy usage
  • See live output online
  • Visualisations can be embedded in to any website

 (Click image to open live output in a new tab)

based on open source technology from the Open Energy Monitor and Raspberry Pi

Monmouthshire Hydropower Resources

Hydromatch Ltd worked with Monmouthshire County Council to identify potential hydropower sites in the county. There are several stages to this process:

  1. A desktop study of the region incorporating Environment Agency data and OS map data to identify sites with potential combined head and flow resource. Over 60 proposed sites were identified for further investigation.
  2. Meeting with representatives of the council to discuss preferred sites and local considerations.
  3. Site visits to 15 possible sites to take flow and head measurements and identify limiting factors.
  4. Feasibility studies for site worthy of further investigations.

Please get in touch if you are interested in discussing a similar scoping study or know of a potential hydropower opportunity which you think should be considered in Monmouthshire.